Where is Tegucipalpa

Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras
Where is TegucipalpaTegucigalpa is a city located in
Honduras Central America in the department of Francisco Morazan and has been its capital of this small country since 1880.
Honduras has a few large cities but Tegucigalpa is the largest; San Pedro Sula being the second.
Tegucigalpa was founded by Spanish colonists on September 29, of 1578 and the site was an existing native settlement.
14°6′N 87°13′W
About 300 feet above sea level
201.5 km2 (77.8 sq mi)
As of 2011, the population of Tegucigalpa is about 1 million
Nick Names
Nickname: Tegus, Tepaz, Cerro de Plata (Silver Mountain)
I had the opportunity to visit this great city in 1982 and 1989. Both times I was in a hurry and got to see only a few places. I did have the chance to visit the Central Park and managed to snap a few pictures. I am going to have to look for them so I can post them here but in the mean time you are invited to show off yours.
If you have pictures of Tegucigalpa please send then to us so we can add them to this section. You can send them to us at harzt03@yahoo.com and write in the subject line "Pictures of Tegucigalpa."
If you live in Tegucigalpa or have visited this great city, you are invited to write a little bit about it. This will help others get to have a true feeling about the people and atmosphere of the city. You can do this by filling out the form below.
Other special words used are Honduras capital and Honduras capital city.
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