South Dakota Facts

South Dakota Facts

  • State Number of Counties: 64

    * Aurora * Beadle * Bennett * Bon Homme * Brookings * Brown * Brule * Buffalo * Butte * Campbell * Charles Mix * Clark * ClayCodington * Corson * Custer * Davison * Day * Deuel * Dewey * Douglas * Edmunds * Fall River * Faulk * Grant * Gregory * Haakon * Hamlin * Hand * Hanson * Harding * Hughes * Hutchinson * Hyde * Jackson * Jerauld * Jones * Kingsbury * Lake * Lawrence * Lincoln * Lyman * Marshall * McCook * McPherson * Meade * Mellette * Miner * Minnehaha * Moody * Pennington * Perkins * Potter * Roberts * Sanborn * Shannon * Spink * Stanley * Sully * Todd * Tripp * Turner * Union * Walworth * Yankton * Ziebach *

  • State Other Largest Cities: Sioux Falls, Rapid City, Aberdeen, Watertown, Brookings, Mitchell, Pierre, Yankton, Huron, Vermillion

    More Facts About South Dakota:

  • State Flag: Adopted in 1963

  • State Motto: "Under God the people rule"

  • State Capital: Pierre

  • State Abbreviation: SD

  • State Name of Residents: South Dakotans

  • Date State Entered the Union: November 2, 1889

  • State Size: 77,121 square miles

  • State Song: Hail, South Dakota

  • State Nick Name: Mount Rushmore State

  • State Tree: Black Hills Spruce

  • State Flower: American pasqueflower - The May day flower

  • State Mammal: Coyote

  • State Bird: Chinese ring-necked pheasant

  • State Fish: Walleye

  • State Insect: Honey bee (Apis Mellifera)

  • State Fossil: Triceratops - this was three-horned plant-eating dinosaur from the late Cretaceous period.

  • State Gem Stone: Fairburn agate

  • State Jewelry: Black Hills gold

  • State Mineral: Rose quartz

  • State Soil: Houdek

  • State Major Rivers: Cheyenne River, Missouri River, James River, White River

  • State Major Lakes: Lake Oahe, Lake Francis Case, Lewis and Clark Lake

  • State Highest Point: Harney Peak - 7,242 feet (2,207 m) above sea level

  • State Lowest point: Big Stone lake - 962 feet (29.5 m) above sea level

  • Bordering States: Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Wyoming

  • State Name Origin: From the native Indians which called themselves "Dakota"

  • State Largest City: Sioux Falls

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