North Dakota Facts
North Dakota FactsNorth Dakota became the 39th state of the United States on November 2, 1889. North Dakota Counties: * Adams * Barnes * Benson * Billings * Bottineau * Bowman * Burke * Burleigh * Cass * Cavalier * Dickey * Divide * Dunn * Eddy * Emmons * Foster * Golden Valley * Grand Forks * Grant * Griggs * Hettinger * Kidder * LaMoure * Logan * McHenry * McIntosh * McKenzie * McLean * Mercer * Morton * Mountrail * Nelson * Oliver *More Facts About North Dakota:
State Flag: adopted in 1911
State Motto: "Liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable"
State Capital: Bismarck
State Abbreviation: ND
State Name of Residents: North Dakotans
Date State Entered the Union: November 2, 1889
State Size: 70,704 square miles - The 19th largest state
State Song: North Dakota Hymn
State Dance: Square dance
State Nick Name: Peace Garden State, Flickertail State, Roughrider State
State Tree: American elm
State Flower: Wild prairie rose
State Grass: Western Wheatgrass (Agropyron smithii)
State Bird: Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta)
State Fish: Northern pike (Esox Lucius)
State Honorary Equine: Nokota breed (Descended from Sioux Chief Sitting Bull's war ponies)
State Soil: Williams (unofficial)
State Fossil: Teredo Petrified Wood
State Beverage: Milk
State Major Rivers: James River, Missouri River, Red River
State Major Lakes: Lake Sakakawea, Lake Ohe
State Highest Point: White Butte - 3,506 feet (1,069 m) above sea level
Bordering States: Minnesota, Montana, South Dakota
State Bordering Country: Canada
State Name Origin: The Sioux Indians called themselves Dakota.
State Largest City: Fargo
State Other Largest Cities: Fargo, Bismarck, Grand Forks, Minot, West Fargo, Mandan, Dickinson, Jamestown, Williston, Wahpeton
State Other Largest Cities: 53
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