North Carolina Facts
North Carolina FactsNorth Carolina became the 12th state of the United States on November 21, 1789. North Carolina County List: * Alamance* Alexander* Alleghany* Anson* Ashe* Avery* Beaufort* Bertie* Bladen* Brunswick* Buncombe* Burke* Cabarrus* Caldwell* Camden* Carteret* Caswell* Catawba* Chatham* Cherokee* Chowan* Clay* Cleveland* Columbus* Craven* Cumberland* Currituck* Dare* Davidson* Davie* Duplin* Durham* Edgecombe* Forsyth* Franklin* Gaston* Gates* Graham* Granville* Greene* Guilford* Halifax* Harnett* Haywood* Henderson* Hertford* Hoke* Hyde* Iredell* Jackson* Johnston* Jones* Lee* Lenoir* Lincoln* Macon* Madison* Martin* McDowell* Mecklenburg* Mitchell* Montgomery* Moore* Nash* New Hanover* Northampton* Onslow* Orange* Pamlico* Pasquotank* Pender* Perquimans* Person* Pitt* Polk* Randolph* Richmond* Robeson* Rockingham* Rowan* Rutherford* Sampson* Scotland* Stanly* Stokes* Surry* Swain* Transylvania* Tyrrell* Union* Vance* Wake* Warren* Washington* Watauga* Wayne* Wilkes* Wilson* Yadkin* Yancey *More Facts About North Carolina:
State Flag: Adopted in 1885
State Motto: "Esse Quam Videri" (To Be Rather Than to Seem)
State Capital: Raleigh
State Abbreviation: NC
State Name of Residents: North Carolinians
Date State Entered the Union: November 21, 1789
State Size: 53,821 square miles - 28th largest state
State Colors: Red and Blue
State Song: The Old North State
State Nick Name: Tar Heel State
State Tree: Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris)
State Flower: Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida)
State Vegetable: Sweet Potato
State Mammal: Gray squirrel
State Bird: Cardinal
State Dog: Plott Hound
State Fish: Channel bass
State Seashell: Scotch bonnet
State Reptile: Eastern box turtle
State Precious Stone: Emerald
State Rock: Granite
State Soil: North Carolina Cecil
State Beverage: Milk
State Historical Boat: Shad Boat
State Major Rivers: Neuse River, Roanoke River, Yadkin River
State Major Lakes: Lake Mattamuskeet, Lake Phelps, Lake Waccamaw
State Highest Point: Mt. Mitchell - 6,684 feet (2,037 m) above sea level
Bordering States: Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia
State Name Origin: North Carolina was named to honor King Charles I (Carolus is Latin for Charles).
State Largest City: Charlotte
State Other Largest Cities: Charlotte, West Raleigh, Raleigh, Greensboro, Durham, Winston-Salem, Fayetteville, Cary, High Point, Wilmington
State Number of Counties: 100
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