New Hampshire Facts
New Hampshire Facts New Hampshire is one of the 50 states that make the American Union (The United States of America). More Facts about New Hampshire:
State Flag: Adopted in 1909
State Motto: "Live Free or Die"
State Capital: Concord
State Abbreviation: NH
State Name of Residents: New Hampshirites
Date State Entered the Union: June 21, 1788. It became the 9th state.
State Size: 9,351 square miles - the 46th biggest state.
State Song: Old New Hampshire
State Nick Name: Granite State
State Tree: White birch
State Flower: Purple lilac
State Wild Flower: Pink ladyslipper
State Fruit: Pumpkin
State Animal: White-tailed deer
State Bird: Purple finch
State Fresh Water Game Fish: Brook trout
State Saltwater Game Fish: Striped bass
State Amphibian: Red-spotted newt
State Insect: Ladybug (ladybird beetle)
State Buttlerfly: Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis)
State Gem: Smoky quartz (also called cairngorm)
State Rock: Granite
State Mineral: Beryl
State Soil: Marlow (unofficial)
State Sport: Skiing
State Major Rivers: Androscoggin River, Connecticut River, Merrimack River
State Major Lake: Lake Winnipesaukee
State Highest Point: Mt. Washington - 6,288 feet (1,917 m) above sea level
Bordering States: Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont
State Bordering Country: Canada
State Bordering Body of Water: Atlantic Ocean
State Name Origin: New Hampshire was named for Hampshire, England, by Captain John Mason.
State Largest City: Manchester
State Other Largest Cities: Manchester, Nashua, East Concord, Concord, Derry Village, Rochester, Dover, Merrimack, Hudson
State Number of Counties: 10
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