Himno De Honduras Translated To English

Himno de Honduras
Lealo en Español


Your flag is a splendor of sky
Crossed with a band of snow;
And there can be seen, in its sacred depths,
Five pale blue stars.
In your emblem, which a rough sea
With its wild waves shields,
Behind the bare summit of a volcano,
There is a star of clean light.

Verse I

Indian maiden, virgin and beautiful you slept,
Of your seas to the resonant song,
When lying in your valleys of gold,
The bold navigator found you;
And on seeing your enrapturing beauty,
To the inflowing ideal of your enchantment,
The blue hem of your splendid mantle
With a kiss of love blessed.

Verse II

From a country where the sun rises,
Beyond the blue Atlantic,
That man who had dreamt you
In search of you he launched to sea.
When you raised your pale forehead,
In the lively anxiousness of your hope,
Under the gentle dome of your sky
Already floated a strange banner.

Verse III

It was useless that your beloved Indian
Rushed into the fight with ire,
Because, covered with his blood, Lempira,
In the deep night he sank;
And of the heroic deed, in memory,
The legend alone has kept
A sepulcher in a forgotten place,
And the severe profile of a mountain peak.

Verse IV

For three centuries your children heard
The imperious mandate of the master;
For three centuries your useless complaint
In the blue atmosphere was lost
But one glorious day your ear
Perceived, powerful and distant,
That there, far away, over the Atlantic,
Indignantly, a lion roared

Verse V

It was France, the free, the heroic,
Which in its dreams of centuries slept,
Awoke irate to life
At the virile protest of Danton:
It was France, who sent to the death
The head of the consecrated King,
And which built up proudly at its side,
The altar of the goddess of Reason.

Verse VI

You also, oh my country!, arose
From your servile deep sleep;
You also showed the world
The infamous shackle destroyed.
And in your blessed soil, behind the tall
Hair of the wild jungle,
Like a bird of black feathers,
The fleeting colony was lost.

Verse VII

To guard this divine emblem
We shall march, oh fatherland, to the death;
Our luck will be generous
If we die thinking of your love.
Defending your holy flag,
And shrouded in its glorious folds,
There will be many, Honduras, your dead,
But all shall fall with honor.

El Himno de Hondurrs was written by Augusto C. Coello

Himno De Honduras
Bandera de Honduras - Himno De Honduras

Nota: Otras palabras claves para que nos encuentres facilmente son national anthem lyrics,national anthem,honduras national anthem, y national anthems

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