Facts About Oregon
Facts About Oregon
State Number of Counties: 36
State List of Counties: * Baker * Benton * Clackamas * Clatsop * Columbia * Coos * Crook * Curry * Deschutes * Douglas * Gilliam * Grant * Harney * Hood River * Jackson * Jefferson * Josephine * Klamath * Lake * Lane * Lincoln * Linn * Malheur * Marion * Morrow * Multnomah * Polk * Sherman * Tillamook * Umatilla * Union * Wallowa * Wasco * Washington * Wheeler * Yamhill*
The Oregon Coast
Oregon Coast cities
State Largest Cities: Portland, Salem, Eugene, Gresham, Beaverton, Hillsboro, Medford, Bend, Springfield, Corvallis
Other Oregon Facts
Towns in Oregon:
Oregon State Population: 3,825,657 (2009 U.S. Census)
Oregon Zip Codes:
State Flag: The only flag that displays different images on both sides
State Motto: "She Flies With Her Own Wings" and "The Union"
Oregon State Capital: Salem
State Abbreviation: OR
State Name of Residents: Oregonians
Date it Entered the Union: Feb. 14, 1859 -Became the 33rd State
State Size: 98,386 square miles - 9th largest of the 50 states
State Colors: navy blue and gold
Oregon State Song: Oregon, My Oregon
State Official Dance: Square Dance
State Nick Name: Beaver State
State Tree: The Douglas Fir
Oregon State Flower: Oregon Grape (Berberis aquifolium)
State Animal: American Beaver
State Bird: Western Meadowlark
State Fish: Chinook salmon, (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
State Seashell: Oregon hairy triton
State Insect: Oregon Swallowtail (Papilio oregonius)
State Gem Stone: Oregon sunstone
State Official Rock: The Thunderegg
State Beverage: Milk
State Nut: hazelnut (Corylus avellana)
State Major Rivers: Columbia River, Deschutes, Willamette River, John Day River, Snake River
State Major Lakes: Upper Klamath Lake, Crater Lake
State Highest Point: Mount Hood - 11,239 feet (3,426 m) above sea level
State Lowest point: Pacific Ocean
State Bordering States: California, Idaho, Nevada, Washington
State Bordering Country: None
State Bordering Body of Water: Pacific Ocean
Map of Oregon
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Information about Portland
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Medford, Oregon, United States

Central Point, Oregon, United States

Grants Pass, Oregon, United States

Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, United States