Facts About Nebraska
Facts About NebraskaNebraska is one of the 50 states that make the American union. It became a state on March 1, 1867. This state covers an area of 77,358 square miles which makes it the 16th biggest state of the nation. The capital city of Nebraska is Lincoln and its biggest city is Omaha. More Facts:
State Flag: Its official flag was adopted in 1925
State Motto: "Equality before the law"
State Capital: Lincoln
State Abbreviation: NE
State Name of Residents: Nebraskans
Date State Entered the Union: March 1, 1867
State Size: 77,358 square miles
State Song: Beautiful Nebraska
State American Folk Dance: Square dance
State Nick Name: Cornhusker State, The Tree Planters' State
State Tree: Cottonwood (Populus deltoides)
State Flower: Goldenrod (Solidago serotina)
State Grass: Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium)
State Mammal: White-tailed Deer
State Bird: Western Meadowlark(Sturnella neglecta)
State Fish: Channel catfish
State Fossil: Mammoth
State Insect: Honeybee (Apis mellifica)
State Gem Stone: Blue Chalcedony
State Official Rock: Prairie Agate
State Beverage: Milk
State Soft Drink: Kool-Aid
State Soil: Holdrege
State River: Platte River
State Major Rivers: Missouri River, Niobrara River, Platte River, Republican River
State Major Lakes: Lewis and Clark Lake, Harlan County Lake, Lake C.W. McConaughty
State Highest Point: Panorama Point - 5,426 feet (1,654 m) above sea level
Bordering States: Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, South Dakota, Wyoming
State Name Origin: The name Nebraska is from an Oto Indian word that means "flat water" (referring to the Platte River, which means "flat river" in French)
State Largest City: Omaha
State Other Largest Cities: Omaha, Lincoln, Bellevue, Grand Island, Kearney, Fremont, North Platte, Norfolk, Hastings, Columbus
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