Facts About Montana
Facts About MontanaMontana is one of the 50 states of the United States of America. It became the 41st state when it entered the Union in November 8, 1889. This state covers an area of 147,046 square miles which makes it the 4th biggest state of the nation. The capital city of Montana is Helena and its biggest city is Billings. Montana has borders with Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Canada. Counties of Montana: 56
Find your county and click on it to find your town (Coming soon) * Beaverhead county * Big Horn county * Blaine county * Broadwater county * Carbon county * Carter county * Cascade county * Chouteau county * Custer county * Daniels county * Dawson county * Deer Lodge county * Fallon county * Fergus county * Flathead county * Gallatin county * Garfield county * Glacier county * Golden Valley county * Granite county * Hill county * Jefferson county * Judith Basin county * Lake county * Lewis and Clark County * Liberty county * Lincoln county * Madison county * McCone county * Meagher county * Mineral county * Missoula County * Musselshell county * Park county * Petroleum county * Phillips county * Pondera county * Powder River county * Powell county * Prairie county * Ravalli county * Richland county * Roosevelt county * Rosebud county * Sanders county * Sheridan county * Silver Bow county * Stillwater county * Sweet Grass county * Teton county * Toole county * Treasure county * Valley county * Wheatland county * Wibaux county * Yellowstone county * More Facts:
State Flag:
State Motto: "Oro y plata" - Gold and Silver
State Abbreviation: MT
State Name of Residents: Montanans
State Song: Montana
State Nick Name: Big Sky Country, Treasure State
State Tree: Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa)
State Flower: Bitterroot
State Grass: Bluebunch wheatgrass
State Animal: Grizzly bear
State Bird: Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta)
State Fish: Cutthroat trout
State Fossil: Maiasaura peeblesorum
State Soil: Blackdog, unofficial
State Gem Stones: Sapphire and Montana agate
State Major Rivers: Yellowstone River, Missouri River, Clark Fork River
State Major Lakes: Flathead Lake, Fort Peck Lake
State Highest Point: Granite Peak - 12,799 feet (3,901 m) above sea level
State Lowest point: Kootenai River - 1,800 feet (550 m) above sea level
State Name Origin: The name Montana is from the Spanish word from mountainous.
State Other Largest Cities: * Billings * Missoula * Great Falls * Butte * Bozeman * Helena * Kalispell * Anaconda * Havre * Miles City *
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