Facts About Massachusetts
Facts About MassachusettsMassachusetts is one of the 50 states that form the American union. This state has an area of 10,555 square miles. Its capital and its largest city is Boston. Massachusetts has borders with the states of Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the Atlantic Ocean. Massachusetts entered the Union in February 6, 1788 and became the 6th state. State Flag:
State Motto: "Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem"; translated as, "By the sword we seek Peace, but Peace only under Liberty"
State Abbreviation: MA
State Name of Residents: Massachusettsans
State Nickname: Bay State
State Colors: Blue, Green and Cranberry
State Song: All Hail to Massachusetts
State Folk Dance: Square Dance
State Tree: American elm (Ulmus Americana)
State Flower: Mayflower; also called the ground laurel or trailing arbutus(Epigaea regens)
State Bean: Navy Bean
State Horse: Morgan horse
State Dog: Boston terrier
State Cat: Tabby cat
State Game Bird: Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)
State Bird: Black-Capped Chickadee (Penthestes atricapillus)
State Fish: Cod
State Marine Mammal: Right whale
State Seashell: New England Neptune (Neptuna lyrata decemcostata)
State Insect: Ladybug (ladybird beetle)
State Rock: Roxbury Puddingstone
State Gem: Rhodonite
State Mineral: Babingtonite
State Fossil: Dinosaur (theropod) tracks
State Historical Rock: Plymouth Rock
State Building Rock: Granite
State Explorer Rock: Dighton Rock
State Soil: Paxton Soil Series
State Folk Hero: Johnny Appleseed
State Heroine: Deborah Samson
State Beverage: Cramberry Juice
State Muffin: Corn muffin
State Dessert: Boston cream pie
State Cookie: Chocolate chip cookie
State Major Rivers: Charles River, Connecticut River, Merrimack River
State Major Lakes: Quabbin Reservoir
State Highest Point: Mt. Greylock - 3,491 feet (1,064 m) above sea level
State Name Origin: Massachusetts was named for an Algonquian Indian word that means "a big hill place."
State Largest Cities: * Boston * South Boston * Worcester * Springfield * Lowell * Cambridge * Brockton * New Bedford * Fall River * Plymouth *
State Number of Counties: 14
Counties of Massachusetts
Massachusetts County Map
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