Facts About Maine
Facts About MaineMaine is one of the 50 states of the United States of America. It became the 31st state when it entered the Union in March 15, 1820. This state covers an area of 35,387 square miles which makes it the 39th biggest state of the nation. The capital city of Maine is Augusta and its biggest city is Portland. Maine has borders with New Hampshire and Canada. It bordering body of water is Gulf of Maine and Atlantic Ocean. Counties of Maine: 16
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State Flag:
State Motto: "Dirigo" - I direct
State Abbreviation: ME
State Name of Residents: Mainers
State Song: "State of Maine Song"
State Nick Name: Pine Tree State
State Tree: Eastern white pine
State Flower: White pine cone and tassel
State Erb: Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens)
State Berry: Wild blueberry
State Animal: Moose
State Bird: Black-capped chickadee (Parus atricapillus)
State Cat: Maine coon cat
State Insect: Honeybee
State Fish: Landlocked Salmon (a subspecies of the Atlantic salmon)
State Fossil: Pertica quadrifaria
State Gem Stone: Tourmaline
State Official Soil: Chesuncook Soil Series
State Major Rivers: Androscoggin River, Kennebec River, Penobscot River, St. John River
State Major Lakes: Lake Moosehead, Richardson Lakes
State Highest Point: Mt. Katahdin - 5,268 feet (1,606 m) above sea level
State Name Origin: Maine refers to the mainland
Other Largest Cities: * Lewiston * Bangor * West Scarborough * Sanford * Brunswick * South Portland Gardens * Auburn * South Portland * Gorham *
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