Facts About Idaho
Facts About IdahoState Flag:
State Motto: "Esto perpetua" - May it Endure Forever
State Capital: Boise
State Abbreviation: ID
State Name of Residents: Idahoans
Date State Entered the Union: July 3, 1890; became the 43rd of the United States
State Size: 83,574 square miles; 14th biggest state of the Uninted States
State Song: Here We Have Idaho
State Official Dance: Square dance
State Nick Name: Gem State
State Tree: Western white pine (Pinus monticola)
State Flower: Syringa (Philadelphus lewisii)
State Horse: Appaloosa
State Bird: Mountain Bluebird (Sialia arctcia)
State Fish: Cutthroat trout
State Insect: Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
State Gem Stone: Idaho Star Garnet
State Fossil: Hagerman horse fossil (Equus simplicidens)
State Soil: Threebear (unofficial)
State Major Rivers: Snake River, Coeur d'Alene River, St. Joe River, St. Maries River, Kootenai River
State Major Lakes: Lake Pend Oreille, American Falls Reservoir, Bear Lake, Coeur d'Alene Lake
State Highest Point: Snake River at Lewiston - 770 feet (235 m) above sea level
State Bordering States: Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
State Bordering Country: Canada
State Bordering Body of Water: None
State Name Origin: Unknown
State Largest City: Boise
State Largest Cities: * Nampa * Idaho Falls * Pocatello * Meridian * Twin Falls * Coeur d'Alene * Caldwell * Lewiston Orchards * Lewiston * State Number of Counties: 44
Counties of Idaho Idaho County Map
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