Facts About Hawaii
Napili Village, Maui
Facts About Hawaii
Hawaii State Flag:
Hawaii State Motto: Ua mau ke ea o ka aina I ka pono" - The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness
State Capital: Honolulu
State Abbreviation: HI
State Name of Residents: Hawaiians
Date it Entered the Union: August 21, 1959
State Size: 10,932 square miles, 43rd biggest state in USA
State Song: Hawaii Ponoi (meaning Hawaii's Own)
State Color: Red
State Nick Name: Aloha State
Hawaii State Tree: Kukui - known as the Candlenut
Hawaii State Flower: Hibiscus - known as the Pua aloalo
Hawaii State Animal: Monk Seal (Monachus schauinslandi)
Hawaii State Bird: The Nene (pronounced "nay-nay") or Hawaiian Goose
Hawaii State Fish: Humuhumunukunuku apua'a - The Reef triggerfish
(Rhinecanthus rectangulus)
Hawaii State Insect: Kamehameha Butterfly
State Gem Stone: Black coral
State Soil: Hilo
State Major Rivers: Wailuku River (on the island of Hawaii), Anahulu River (on the island of Oahu)
State Major Lakes: Salt Lake
State Highest Point: Mauna Kea - 13796 feet (4,205 m) above sea level
State Lowest point: Pacific coast; Sea level
State Name Origin: Hawaii may have been named for the traditional home of the Polynesians, Hawaii or Hawaiki, called "Owhyhee"
State Largest Cities: Honolulu, Hilo, Kailua, Kāne‘ohe, Waipahu, Pearl City, Waimalu, Mililani Town, Kahului, Kīhei
State Number of Counties: 5
Counties of Hawaii:
* Hawaii County * Honolulu * Kalawao * Kalawao * Kauai * Maui *
Hawaii State Map
Pride of Maui - Snorkeling in Maui is some of the best in the world and aboard our first class catamaran Pride of Maui you will experience Maui's premier snorkel and diving destinations. Daily Snorkel, SCUBA and SNUBA diving trips. Sunset Cruises available in the evening and Private Boat Charters upon request.
Related Links
Maui County Towns
| Lahaina Maui Hawaii
| Maui Helicopter Tour
| Sailing Photos
| Pictures of Maui
| Animals of Hawaii
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