Facts About Colombia
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Facts About ColombiaLocation: South AmericaLanguage: The official language of Colombia is Spanish Currency: Colombian PesoPopulation: As of 2009, the population of Colombia was estimated to be at 43,677,372Land Size: 440,831 square miles) or 1,141,748 sq kilometers. Capital: The capital of Colombia is BogotáBorders: Colombia is bordered on the northwest by Panama, on the east by Venezuela and Brazil, and on the southwest by Peru and Ecuador.Land divisions: Colombia has 32 deparments (departamentos)Amazonas (Leticia) Antioquia (Medellín) Arauca (Arauca) Atlántico (Barranquilla) Bogotá * Bolivar (Cartagena (Colombia) Boyacá (Tunja) Caldas (Manizales) Caquetá (Florencia) Casanare (Yopal) Cauca (Popayan) Cesar (Valledupar) Chocó (Quibdo) Córdoba (Monteria) Cundinamarca (Bogotá) Guainía (Puerto Inirida) La Guajira (Riohaca> Guaviare (San Jose del Guaviare) Huila (Neiva) Magdalena (Santa Marta) Meta (Villavicencio) Nariño (Pasto) Norte de Santander (Cucuta) Putumayo(Mocoa) Quindío (Armenia) Risaralda (Pereira) San Andres y Providencia (Departamento) (San Andrés) Santander (Bucaramanga) Sucre (Sincelejo) Tolima (Ibagué) Valle del Cauca (Cali) Vaupés (Mitú) Vichada (Puerto Carreño)
Industries: Textiles, food processing, oil, clothing and footwear, beverages, chemicals, cement; gold, coal, emeralds. Agriculture: Coffee, cut flowers, bananas, rice, tobacco, corn, sugarcane, cocoa beans, oilseed, vegetables; forest products; shrimp. Major Cities: Arauca, Armenia, Barrancas de San Nicolas, Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Cali, Cantarrana, Cartagena,Cartago Viejo, Caserio Villavicencio, Cincelejo, Cucuta, El Yopal, Florencia, Ibague, Inirida, Leticia, Manizales, Marroquin, Medellin, Mitu, Mocoa, Monteria, Neiva, Obando, Pasto, Pereira, Popayan, Puerto Carreno, Puerto Inirida, Quibdo, Riochacha, Riohacha, San Andres, San Jeronimo de Buenavista, San Jose de Cucuta, San Jose de Guacimal, San Jose del Guaviare, Santa Marta, Santiago de Cali, Sincelejo, Tunja, Valledupar, Villavicencio, Yopal
English Colombian Map Colombian Flag Where is Colombia?
Español Mapa de Colombia Bandera de Colombia
Resources: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/co.html http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107419.html http://www.marcianos.com/enc/colombia.html http://itouchmap.com/?r=w&bk=c&DG=PPLA&c=co http://farm1.static.flickr.com/158/345510182_74776b3605.jpg?v=0Other special words used to help you find this page are facts about Colombia, Colombia information, Colombia facts, facts Colombia, and Colombia info.
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