Where is Haiti?

The Haitian Flag Haiti Map
Where is Haiti?Haiti is a country in the Caribbean and shares an island with Dominican Republic. Facts about HaitiHaiti measures 11,000 square miles and its population is about 8 million people. The capital is Port-au-Prince and the main languages are French and Creole. Haiti has had a long history of problems including slavery and dictatorship. Did you know Haiti was the first country where African slaves fought for their freedom? It was, and it has been a free country ever since. Haiti is one of poorest countries in the Western hemisphere. 80% of residents live in absolute poverty. It is one of the most densely populated and least developed countries in the western hemisphere. Its population is 95% black and 80% are Roman Catholic. The Haiti earthquake At the present time, Haiti is going through one of the largest catastrophes ever experienced by its people. Most countries throughout the world have come to the aid to give a hand to this unfortunate country. Millions of people have contributed in one way or another and if you have not done your part, you need to donate at least one Dollar because it will make a different to those who are suffering. Please contact your local Red Cross or any reputable charity so you can donate. The people of Haiti need your donations so please, do not hesitate to give them a hand.
Sources http://www.adobe.com/devnet/education/articles /empowering_learners/family_history/haiti.html http://www.haitisurf.com/factsabouthaiti.shtml
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